Australian Knee Society



There are 3 classes of membership: Active, Associate and Honorary. Detailed information on the three types can be found below.

As an absolute minimum, membership is limited to persons who:

  1. Hold a recognised higher surgical degree or qualification, and

  2. Fellowship or Associate Fellowship of the Australian Orthopaedic Association.

  3. Who have recognised training in the principles and practice of knee surgery or by virtue of extensive experience, have acquired a comparable standard of training.

Requirements for active membership currently include:

  • Documentation to the effect that 50% (or a substantial number) of surgical procedures performed by the candidate in the previous two years involved knee procedures.

  • References confirming that the candidate has published an article, on some aspect of the knee, in a national or international journal. If this has not yet been achieved, an application would be for associate membership, pending achievement of this requirement.

  • Confirmation that the candidate has presented a paper, on a knee problem, at a national or international meeting. If this has not been achieved, provided that the candidate will have presented at an AKS meeting, even the one at which the application is to be considered, then the candidate would still be eligible for associate membership.

When applying for membership in addition to the above, it is also necessary that the applicant has attended a previous meeting of the AKS as a guest, and has presented a paper at a meeting of the Australian Knee Society. The paper can be presented either at the current year’s meeting or in the previous 2 years. The candidate must also be in attendance at the meeting at which his application is to be considered.

The meetings of the society are held usually in mid-year, or in conjunction with an AGM of the AOA, and are well attended by members and their guests. There is usually an input into the Instructional Lectures as part of the A.O.A. A.S.M. as well. The meeting lends itself to full and active discussion, with visitors encouraged to participate.

An application form, and a copy of the current constitution, can be downloaded using the links below. Please submit a copy of your CV, and a photo, together with your completed application form, at least 4 months prior to the next AKS meeting.

Classes of Membership

Applications for Membership

The purpose of the Australian Knee Society is:

  1. To aid and stimulate interest in, the problems that involve the knee, and the treatments thereof.

  2. The advancement in the standard of surgery, in and around the knee, in Australia, through contact and discussion amongst, and subsequently by the teaching provided by, its members.
Requirements for active membership include:

  1. Documentation that 50% (or a substantial number as determined by the society) of the surgical procedures performed by the applicant, in the previous two years, involved knee procedures.

  2. A reference to confirm that the applicant has published an article, on some aspect of the knee, in a national or international journal. If this has not yet been achieved, then the application would be for associate membership only, pending achievement of this requirement.

  3. Evidence that the applicant has presented a paper, on a knee related topic, at a national or international meeting. If this has not been achieved then, provided that the applicant has, or will have, presented at an AKS meeting, even the one at which the application is to be considered, he or she shall be considered eligible for associate membership.

  4. Attendance and presentation. The candidate has attended a previous meeting of the AKS as a guest, and has presented a paper at a meeting of the Australian Knee Society. The paper can be presented either at the current year’s meeting or in the previous 2 years. The candidate must also be in attendance at the meeting at which his or her application is to be considered.
How to apply:

  1. Download a copy of the current constitution and confirm eligibility.
  2. Download the application form. Fill this in and return it to the AKS secretary.
  3. Ensure that both the proposer and seconder are full members of the society: and have each of them send an appropriate reference to the current secretary of the society, preferably well in advance of the meeting at which the application is to be considered.
  4. Submit a copy of your CV, with your completed application form, at least 4 months prior to the next AKS meeting: the time and place for which is available on the AKS website.
  5. Submit a photograph, preferably of at least 640 x 640 pixels: either on the application form, or separately.
All applications and correspondence should be emailed to the secretary of the society.

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